Federal Vs State Criminal Charges In Indiana


State Criminal Charges

Many criminal offenses are handled by the state in Indiana, but the federal government holds jurisdiction over several key areas. One of the more common questions that David R. Phillips hears revolves around this distinction, as many wonder whether their case will stay within the state or go to the federal courts.

We thought this would be a good opportunity to explore some of the key differences between federal and state crimes in Indiana, which this post aims to explore. Remember, if you’re looking for more in-depth legal assistance, we invite you to reach out to us directly at your earliest convenience.

Defining the Differences between Federal and State Crimes

Generally, the type of crime determines whether an offense is considered a state crime or a federal offense. The vast majority of criminal acts fall under state jurisdiction, and involves charges such as drug offenses, burglary and theft, weapons charges, misdemeanor offenses, sex crimes, domestic battery, etc.

Federal crimes are considered more serious and often carry heavier penalties. Worse yet, federal prosecutors often handle a much lower caseload and have a larger array of resources at their fingertips. This means that they are often successful in their pursuit and prosecution of federal charges in Indiana.

Federal jurisdiction usually covers criminal acts such as fraud, embezzlement, drug conspiracy charges, child pornography charges, internet offenses, sex offenses, weapons charges, and more. That said, the manner in which jurisdiction is determined can become confusing and convoluted at times. This is why we always suggest that, when it comes to criminal defense attorneys in Indiana, you need to trust your matters to someone who is well-versed with both federal and state criminal law. You need someone that is equipped to put forth an aggressive defense on your behalf and help ensure that your life is not derailed by your pending criminal charges.

Rely on a Qualified Criminal Defense Attorney

We hope this brief breakdown was useful in explaining the differences between state crimes and federal offenses in Indiana. For more guided assistance, reach out to a skilled criminal defense attorney, someone who possesses an in-depth knowledge of state and federal law and can help you mount an effective defense.

Call David R. Phillips, attorney at law, to schedule a free initial consultation, where you can learn more about how he can help you with any type of criminal charge in or around Indiana. Call Attorney David R. Phillips at 219-929-7060.